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Going on a Hike with your little one? Awesome! Check out these tips before heading out:

Hiking with your little one can be a great way to get them outside and active, and to introduce them to nature. It can also help to develop their sense of adventure, and can be a great bonding experience for families. Additionally, for older tykes, hiking can improve their physical fitness, balance, and coordination. It can also help to improve their self-confidence and independence, as well as their ability to problem-solve and navigate in the wilderness.

Overall, hiking with young children can be a fun and rewarding way to spend time together as a family while also promoting their physical, mental and emotional well-being. But the challenge is a bit more complex for taking along the littlest kids, who frequently need a quality carrier and a variety of baby care items on hand.

Here are some tips before you get on the trail!

  1. Use a baby carrier or backpack that is specifically designed for hiking. Safety is number one, and a good quality carrier will ensure that your baby is well restrained and cradled in a padded seat, in case you lose your footing. It happens, so be prepared with the right gear! When you kids are older, all you might need is a quality diaper backpack with all the necessities.

  2. Dress the baby in layers, as the temperature can change quickly in the outdoors. Uncomfortable baby equals less fun for mom and dad.

  3. Bring plenty of water and snacks for both the baby and the parents. See #2. Kids get bored more easily than adults and arent as likely to appreciate the wilderness as adults. Snacks can help take their mind off the moment and give them a break from which they usually come back better.

  4. Bring a hat and sunscreen for the baby to protect from the sun. Baby skin is sensitive. Get SPF 50 or higher.

  5. Bring a first aid kit in case of emergencies. Accidents happen, and when you arent near safe water or supplies, it can get dangerous really fast. Have a complete first aid kit and give it a once over before you leave the house, to make sure it has everything it needs to be complete.

  6. Use bug spray to protect against mosquitoes and other insects. Lyme disease is a scourge, and it’s just one of hundreds of similar parasites that ride along with ticks. Protect your whole family on hikes.

  7. Bring a change of clothes for the baby in case of accidents or spills. Don’t forget an extra T-shirt for yourself, if spit-ups are common.

  8. Choose a trail that is appropriate for the baby's age and development level. If your kid can spend some time navigating the trail themselves, make sure you let them do it on a trail they can handle. Take your carrier along to help them across the parts they cant navigate safely.

  9. Always be aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards, such as poisonous plants or wild animals! Take a short guide along (you can download these to your phone ahead of time) so you can identify animals and plants along the way, for safety and interest.

  10. Start with shorter hikes and gradually increase the distance as the baby gets older and more comfortable. Even time in the carrier can be uncomfortable over longer hikes. Make sure your kids finish happy by keeping your first few hikes on the shorter side.

Most importantly, aside from safety: Have Fun! If you want to be hiking with your kids for years to come, make sure they love it from the start. Happy trails!